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Hey Curvy girl, What'cha gonna wear to your Boudior session?!

The world telling us that we don't fit unless we’re a certain size.  So deciding what to wear for your boudoir session as a curvy girl…That can be intimidating. 

Don't worry! We're here to help! In this article you will get some great ideas. How to style those beautiful curves for your boudoir experience!

curvy girl boudoir/ Plus size boudoir/ Rhode Island boudoir/ Photo by Beaumier Studios/Beaumier Intimate Portraits/Foster / Rhode Island boudoir /red corset/long lashes/

What to wear for a curvy girl boudoir session with Beaumier Intimates in

Foster, Rhode Island

There can be some preconceived thoughts about what you “have” to wear. Or that what  smaller ladies wear, you won't look right in.

I'm here to tell you that there are no strict rules! You wear what's right for you, your body type, and your personality!

Hear me out curvy girl, with Boudior comfortable can be sexy!

 curvy girl boudoir/ Plus size boudoir/ Rhode Island boudoir/ Photo by Beaumier Studios/Beaumier Intimate Portraits/Foster / Rhode Island boudoir /plus size lingerie/sexy pictures

You heard me right! Comfortable can certainly be sexy  and it all starts with the panties!

I tell all my clients to bring a matching bra and panties set.

Specifically, look for a cheekie or thong cut, that feels the most comfortable in the tummy area. For most women that is the area they would like to minimize the focus on.

So, if the tummy is secure they will feel more comfortable. If you’re comfortable, you’re able to relax. If you're relaxed you will feel more confident, and confidence IS SEXY!  Make sense?!

Body suits are our Best friends!

curvy girl boudoir/ Plus size boudoir/ Rhode Island boudoir/ Photo by Beaumier Studios/Beaumier Intimate Portraits/Foster / Rhode Island boudoir /red couch/body suits/neon signs

Body suits! loooove me some body suits for Boudior! They hold you in in all the right areas and give a slimming appearance that also shows off your beautiful curves!

They come in so many colors, offer tons of support, and some even offer a little push-up

for the "girls"! 

Just the sheets, yes please!

curvy girl boudoir/ Plus size boudoir/ Rhode Island boudoir/ Photo by Beaumier Studios/Beaumier Intimate Portraits/Foster / Rhode Island boudoir/silk sheets/black sheets/sexy pictures

Just sheets, Yep! believe it or not, just sheets are a very popular and super sexy option! They allow us to cover certain areas, and show off areas we want to showcase!

You might be thinking. Nude? Under sheets? SCARY!!! But trust me on this, it can actually show less then some lingerie does! 

We got you covered!

curvy girl boudoir/ Plus size boudoir/ Rhode Island boudoir/ Photo by Beaumier Studios/Beaumier Intimate Portraits/Foster / Rhode Island boudoir/champaign sheets/ black body suit/plus size sexy photos

Don’t worry we’re here to help! Your Boudoir session comes with a complementary wardrobe consultation.

We also have a client closet that can add some pizzazz to your session! Just like every woman, every session is not one size fits all, we want each client to experience a session that is tailored to their unique body, personality, and style!

“Comparison is the thief of joy!“- Theodore Roosevelt

The bottom line is finding what makes YOU feel sexy! Comparison can completely steal your joy! Don’t allow it! Don't try to fit into someone else’s  style.

We're not meant to look like someone else. We're meant to be unique! You have features that no one else has. Let's Focus on accentuating what makes you feel Beautiful!

If you feel comfortable and confident that is SEXY !

 Email us today for your Unique Boudior Experience! 

Talk soon !

XO Tiffiany

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